Category Archives: Christianity

Thoughts on Christianity from a Christian. I’m not a biblical scholar or anything, just a concerned believer.

Homelessness and Relationships

Charity is something I never thought much about when younger. Sure I knew the made-for-TV idea of Christmas, but in my mind it was always an abstract ideal, and an unrealistic concept. At some point this changed. A softened heart? Growing up? I can’t quantify the change really, and I don’t have a clear demarcation […]

Also posted in Architecture | Tagged Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Hugh Hollowell, Love Wins | Comments closed

David Bazan

David Bazan is an enigmatic artist that I was introduced to in college by my buddy Josh. (Something of a musician in his own right as I understand.) I first heard Pedro the Lion in a dorm room at NC State; I was instantly hooked by David’s simple, narrative songwriting, and that voice. It’s been […]

Also posted in Music | Tagged Christianity, Cornerstone, David Bazan, indie, politics | Comments closed