Category Archives: Uncategorized

When all else fails, it lands here.

TED Talks come to RTP

Last weekend I had the opportunity to and Independently organized TED event. My first introduction the Technology Entertainment and Design conference was this Josh Prince-Ramus speech. I’ve compiled a short list of my favorite speakers, and thoughts:

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Vacation! Continued…

Thanksgiving day two… We had lunch yesterday at one of my favorite places down in Morehead City, Sanitary Fish Market, with the extended family. After lunch, we got to hang out around the house and at the beach and closed the evening out with even more food over at the Deadwyler’s place. Tons of great […]

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged beach, family, Photography, thanksgiving | Comments closed

Gettin’ down on the farm

I once again had the opportunity to attend the Buildsense annual picnic out at Randy and Lori’s farm this weekend. It was an absolute blast! Also present was Randy’s partner Erik Van Mehlman whose new firm Studio B Architecture shares space with Buildsense. Erik recently completed a very cool Habitat house which was published in […]

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged buildsense, eric van mehlman, farm, Photography, randall lanou, studio b architecture | Comments closed

What’s up with the Mystery of Architect Fees

In doing a little research today I came across an interesting article in the Washington Post about Architects, and their fees. Being in the field of Architecture I have a pretty good idea of what most Architects cost, and where my firm lies within that spectrum… but there is one consistent theme I have found: […]

Also posted in Architecture | Tagged Architecture, fees, washington post | Comments closed

McCowan Residence Modern House Tour

Triangle Modernist Houses has teamed up with area Realtors to bring yet another recent piece of Modernist Residential Architecture to the public, and I have again worked with the folks over at NewRaleigh to put together an article complete with 60 photographs attempting to capture the essence of the McCowan residence. The article can be […]

Also posted in Architecture | Tagged McCowan, Oxide Architecture, Tonic Design Build, Treyburn | Comments closed