Rock You Like a Hurricane

In an interesting turn of events, we have a Tropical Storm (expected to return to Hurricane strength soon) Bearing down on the Eastern coastline, and scheduled to show up late Friday and peak sometime Saturday morning.

North Carolina is no stranger to Hurricanes or Tropical storms, so it is my hope that all the municipalities and persons between here and the ocean will be properly prepared to deal with this situation…

I must admit though, I’m a little bummed because this weekend was planned to be full of excitement. Saturday morning is the Men’s breakfast at Calvary Chapel, I haven’t attended the last couple of breakfasts, and was making special plans to resume attendence this weekend. After that my good buddy Andy and I were planning to head up to Raleigh Wide Open to check out Raleigh’s new Convention Center. After thoroughly immersing ourselves in some of North Carolina’s latest and greatest in urban projects, we plan to return to Andy’s house for his 29th birthday celebration.

Well sometime later today the City of Raleigh will make an official ruling on whether or not RWO will continue, or if it will be postponed until next week… I expect that the Men’s breakfast will meet regardless of the weather (provided we have electricity at the church) and I believe the plan is to move Andy’s party inside if it rains (which sort of derails the plan to have a cookout.)

Oh well, just felt the need to rant about the weather. I have a love / hate relationship with Hurricane season. The storms are an amazing showing of nature’s awesome power, but they sure can throw a wrench into the plans we make. Here’s to hoping that North Carolina is spared from major damage in these upcoming storms.

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