Wedding Day Wandering

This weekend I had the opportunity to spend the weekend in Greensboro for my sister-in-law Carla’s wedding. It just so happened that I had dad’s Nikon camera with me, and being a part of the family, but not actually in the ceremony gave me the unique opportunity to spend a lot of time wandering around photographing.

The wedding ceremony itself took place at the Holy Trinity Church in Greensboro. Founded in 1871, portions of the building are some 137 years old, and it was indeed a very photogenic, and nicely aged piece of Architecture.

The reception was held at O. Henry Hotel, which is tied to the Proximity Hotel. The reception itself was a blast, and the food was fantastic.

After too much food, and just enough wine, we headed back to the Battleground Inn. Meanwhile the happy couple headed back to the Proximity. The lobby of the Proximity was very cool, though I neglected to bring my camera with me. I did however, get a nice daytime shot as well as an night time view of the building from the car.

Unfortunately, I found it difficult to fall asleep. So what is one to do at five in the morning after being awake all night, but still too restless to stay in bed? Well when one shares their hotel room with a comfortably sleeping wife and ten year old niece, one might head down to the lobby to enjoy some continental breakfast, the latest issue of dwell, and snap a few pictures of the sunrise.

Click below to see the entire 54 image gallery.

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